Monday, July 14, 2008

More than one way to skin a rat

Office of the Secretary of The Commonwealth
One Ashburton Place
Boston, Ma 02108

Dear Secretary Galvin,

Please consider this a formal complaint under 950 CMR 56:00 regarding the (in) actions of the Amherst Board of Registrars taken—or I should say not taken—on July 3’rd, and a request for a formal investigation by your office.

I requested a local hearing in accordance with Chapter 51, 48 to decide whether there is “sufficient grounds for an investigation” concerning the legal residency of Amherst Town Meeting member Robie Hubley and his wife Anne Awad a member of the Amherst Select Board (resigning as of 8/31).

On April 10 Mr. Hubley signed a Homestead declaration for a new home at 4 Jewett Lane, South Hadley. He and his wife Anne Awad also both signed another legal record that day.

The FDIC backed mortgage from Florence Savings Bank, signed under pains and penalties of Federal Law, clearly states: “Borrower shall occupy, establish and use the Property as Borrower’s principal residence within 60 days after the execution of the Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower’s principal residence for at least a year after the date of occupancy”

And as I’m sure you know, a Homestead is a notarized one-page legal document that clearly states: “I own and am possessed and occupy said premises as a residence and homestead.”

In response to this legal information going public, the couple published a Letter in the Amherst Bulletin declaring: “The homestead declaration, cited frequently by this newspaper as proof that we are already living in South Hadley, was an error on our part. We were unaware that such protection can only apply to one’s primary residence. We removed the homestead declaration as soon as we realized the error. It now applies only to our Amherst home as it has for years."

But according to a check of the Registry of Deeds this afternoon the Homestead for the South Hadley residency was never “removed” and is still in legal effect.

At the July 3’rd “hearing” the Amherst Board of Registrars completely ignored the Homestead evidence and they declared the mortgage residency requirement a “private matter.” Both Anne Awad and Robie Hubley attended the hearing but were not asked any questions by the Board of Registrars.

The Board unanimously voted, after a half-hour discussion, that there were no grounds to move on to a formal investigation.

To allow this Keystone Cops “investigation” to go unchallenged will only undermine the confidence of Amherst voters in our system of government when a vital national election is only four months away.

Sincerely Yours,

Larry Kelley
Amherst Town Meeting
Amherst Redevelopment Authority
5Th Generation Amherst resident


  1. Hey Larry, "5’Th Generation Amherst resident" is spelled wrong. There's no apostrophe, it's just 5th.

  2. Larry,

    First, I must say good work uncovering the fakerss.

    Second, you won, let it go. They will no longer be Amherst elected officials. Don't be a sore winner.

    You have established quite a bit of credibility, don't let it go to waste by acting like some obsessed wacko.

    You are beginning to become a right wing "moonbat".

    Now it just seems you have a personal vendetta against these people.

    I have also mentioned before your citing the "FDIC" backed mortgage and "perjury" is way off. If you don't believe me, consult a real estate attorney. Please.

    What about all the "federally backed" students loans and all the students that don't put their entire criminal background (like that one speeding ticket or one pot possession) on the application? What should we do with them?

    Do you expect a perjury trial for them? Seriously. Do you envision the feds coming down from black helicopters in the middle of the night busting into the Awad's home (here or South Hadley), dragging them out to stand trial the very next day in front of a federal judge on the town commons?

    Or do you expect Congress to start an investigation on the "FDIC" mortgage and start rounding up the THOUSANDS of people who do not establish residency in their homestead declarations?

    Larry, you won. Take the victory and move on before you spoil it.

  3. Thanks Anon one I fixed it.

    Well Anon number 2, not quite. Mr Hubley has not resigned his venerable Town Meeting position.

    After a multi-generational death struggle with Carthage, after she triumphed, Rome sowed salt into the soil, so Carthage could NEVER again rise up to challenge her.

  4. Ok,

    Now you are comparing the Roman Empire and a death struggle to Amherst and a Selectperson/Town Meeting position.

    Do you really think the AG or Secretary of State could give a rat's a$$ about some petty, small position in Amherst?

    I used to believe that all your hard work into this was just good journalism / responsible citizenship.

    However, I think you really have just crossed the line into the stalking and personal hatred category.

  5. "Do you envision the feds coming down from black helicopters in the middle of the night busting into the Awad's home (here or South Hadley), dragging them out to stand trial the very next day in front of a federal judge on the town commons?"

    Charlie Scherpa and the rest of the Amherst Fachists have no problem doing this sort of stuff to the UMass Students and the reason why Adwad & Hubley should be treated differently is????

    I say drag them out and arrest them too -- the APD know how to do this quite well.....

  6. Larry, Would you consider withdrawing your request for further investigation by the Attorney General if Anne Awad withdrew her often repeated assertion that some blogger (a thinly veiled reference to you) stalked her? And if in addition, Anne Awad requested that the Associated Press, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Amherst Bulletin and Springfield Republican print her "clarification"?

  7. No.

    Because it's not about me, it's about them.

    Hubley needs to resign his Town Meeting position--NOW.

  8. Larry, Would you consider withdrawing your request for further investigation by the Attorney General and Secretary of State if Hubley resigned effective August 31 (because Awad decided August 31 is appropriate) and Anne Awad withdrew her often repeated assertion that some blogger (a thinly veiled reference to you) stalked her? And if in addition, Anne Awad requested that the Associated Press, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Amherst Bulletin and Springfield Republican print her "clarification"?

  9. Yes.

    And I don't need her "clarification"

  10. So let's call for Hubley's resignation effective August 31... because by Awad's admission it's appropriate, and conversely it would be inappropriate for him to stay on beyond that date.

  11. Larry Anon echoes my sentiments, reading this today in Melaka Malaysia I am wondering, why does this bother you so much? You won, relax, move on, stop writing letters to officials as if this is the third world war. Save your strength for future battles that will ultimately matter more. He's right, continuing will brand you not only a stalker but an 'obsessed wacko!'

  12. Hey Max,
    Sorry, but I finish what I start. And it ain't over until Hubley resigns.

    Damn, you Deerfield boys just don't like to fight. No wonder the Indians stole all your women 300 years ago.
