Monday, July 28, 2008

Election runaround

So after over two hours of discussion and only minutes after a 3-2 vote to have the Select Board election as a stand alone one on December 2'nd, the Select Board then changed their minds and voted unanimously to have the Special Election to replace X-Czar Awad on the Presidential election November 4.


  1. That is the right result!

    With no knowledge of the proceedings, I'll take a flyer and guess that O'Keefe and Brewer led the way and Weiss was not far behind. I can't wait to read the minutes. Hurray for Amherst and hurray for the Select Board. It's stringing good decisions together now and I'd say that's progress.

  2. It is now official, if you want something in Amherst all you have to do is threaten to sue. Ms. Stein will roll right over for you and bring Gerry Weiss along.

    What a joke!

  3. Usually he leads and she follows, no?

  4. Yeah, Ms Stein seems soooo concerned about a lawsuit, yet she is quick to engage in libelous slander from the Bully Pulpit in lockstep with His Lordship.

  5. Anyone else notice that Anne had to mention the way things are done in her new community (in regards to the PVTA board)

    "in S. Hadley..."

    (and she needs to stop exaggerating!)

    Hang in there Larry!

  6. Yeah, when BenEzra took the microphone and sent the discussion off on a tangent (that sounded pre-planned, since His Lordship followed up with a motion) I wanted to drop my journalistic role and reply:

    Mr. BenEzra is getting the horses (ass) after the cart.

    Ms. Awad WILLINGLY "drove herself" to South Hadley FIRST ... wayyyyyy back in April. And only AFTER that, did I apply legal PR pressure she could not handle.

  7. Three things:

    First, if someone was stupid enough to sign a consent decree thirty years ago with a now-dead Federal Judge, well the town is bound by it. And as Garrity was most known for the Boston Busing Case, I am inclined to think that *race* might have been part of this decision.

    Second, to say that "Eric the Rat" is reflective of UMass students today is misguided. Different time, different world, a connection in name only -- UM students today are far more likely to form their own corporation rather than their own religion.

    The UMass Students of 30 years ago are the "townies" of today. It is they whom the UM students of today most despise. One can no more compare the Polish government of today to that of 1978 than one can compare UM students of both eras.

    Third - and this is why I keep saying that there is SOMETHING ELSE GOING ON HERE - *if* UM students were to sue the town, it would be a Section 1983 civil rights suit over the actions of the police (similar to the South Hadley one
    although that may have more issues).

    It is like someone said that icy road conditions last week caused an accident -- possible, but unlikely. There is something else here people because the UMass students simply don't care about this election enough to sue over it. The UMass students as a whole....

    Now see above about race. Could there be a specific subset of UM students planning to use the ALANA email lists to organize a candidacy? Like I said, something is here....

  8. No, nobody signed anything with the Judge 30 years ago.

    What they were relying on is the memory of one individual, now in his 80's, who claims the judge "admonished" him and a few other unnamed Select Men in a private, back room meeting (smoke-filled chambers perhaps?)

    Only in Amherst!

  9. Larry I keep telling you that something else is going on here.

    Ed Cutting

  10. who the f... is vince o'connor to rule. larry i hope ylou sue for libel for what mr. weiss ttried to say in his motion and refusing you the right to speak.
    by the way because mr. o'connor thinks that the signiture papers of the candidates should remain valid, perhaps mr. weiss wwill agrre. o'connor is ignorent of course they are not valid, they are legal documents that have a date of an election to be held sept. 16. maybe vince will take out his crayon and cross over the date

  11. If the signatures are in support of a candidate for office, and they are valid signatures of registered voters, and the person running has not changed the office they are running for, then I see no reason to require them to re-obtain all of the signatures just because the election date was officially moved, for whatever reason, but in this case to maximize voter turnout... but that's just me.

    You guys have a lot of info I don;t have. Is someone beside Stephanie writing a summary I could read?

  12. Any candidates who have submitted nomination papers for Select Board will have to go back and submit new papers for the new date. This is election law and no matter what Vince and Diana wish, they can't change election law.

    I have this directly from the Town Clerk

  13. Is this the same town clerk that denied the UMass Republican Club the right to hold a political rally -- ON THE UMASS CAMPUS?!?!

    I only wish I was making this up.
    And I am not impressed with her knowledge of the law.

  14. Why is Vince taken seriously?

    For that matter, why hasn't welfare reform been extended to Section 8?

    Not that we can ask these questions, mind you, but....

  15. Republican reports that EricTheRat's lawsuit was overturned on the circut court of appeals level -- which means that he won on the district court level. Not having read the circuit opinion, I can't tell if it was reversed on a technicality or on the merits.

    But I still say that something else is going on here. No one cares about the UM students anymore. Could it be that the favored candidate didn't get his/her/its paperwork in on time????

  16. As Kojak used to say, "you can make book on that."
