Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bloody Sunday

So the town website is down (upgrading to "new and improved").

Thus our only source of information about Monday's Select Board meeting is Ms. O'Keeffe. Sound like the Town Manager carried out the long laundry list wishes of SB member Alisa Brewer and put together a package of background material on the 7/4 Parade fiasco.

Of course Stephanie also mentions that the Town Mangler wrote a response to the ACLU letter--that I of course just requested from her under Public Documents Law--but then town officials do get to take Sunday's off (unlike citizen journalists) so she can ignore my request until tomorrow.

UPDATE: 8:45 PM. So Stephanie just responded and she hopes/wishes/pleads I will wait until tomorrow to get the Town Mangler's letter back to the ACLU from somebody other than her at Town Hall. She's concerned (and I said in my response that she is showing her rookieness) that circulating the document could get her in trouble. Hmmm. It's a freaken PUBLIC DOCUMENT (in my response I said that 3 freaken times).

Yeah, we have a (gentle-persons) agreement that our email exchanges are 'off the record' so I will not post the actual exchanges.


  1. So Larry, did you happen to miss this little item in Stephanie's Select Board packet post?

    • A copy of a June 20th letter to the Town Clerk from Anne Awad, announcing her resignation from the Select Board, effective September 1st

    If not, I'm surprised it escaped comment.

  2. Yeah, actually I did.

    But I just got if from the horses mouth (no offense Stephanie)

  3. I had wondered why you didn't mention that too! I figured you must have been planning a good post about it.

  4. Yeah, so focused on the Town Mangler and July 4'th Parade fiasco I stopped reading after the part about his return letter to the ACLU (although I'm told it was the typical Bureaucratic BS letter)

    But I'll try for a good post about it tomorrow.

    You would think Stephanie could have at least given it a (well deserved) headline.
