Monday, June 23, 2008

Blogger (1), Powers that used to Be (zero)

So finally their tortured existence—at least as Amherst town officials—comes to an end. The resignation of Anne Awad from the Select Board caps a month of arrogant refusal to acknowledge the inevitable. Aided of course by a supportive Town Manager and a hired gun town attorney.

Yeah, the bricks and mortar media could have and should have done a lot more--especially after they used the Commentary Pages of the Amherst Bulletin to lie to the general public.

But all’s well that end’s well. Damn…now what do I do?


  1. Keeping score makes me wonder what historical disagreements between Mr Kelley and Ms Awad became personal, and how that happened. I imagine Mr Kelley "sensed" Ms Awad's lack of respect for his position somewhere along the way... wondered if Mr Kelley wanted to make reference to those significant issues.

  2. Oh, let me count the ways:
    Showing disrespect to the American flag on the night of September 10, 2001 (12 hours before the World changed.)

    Refusing to allow the 29 commemorative flags to fly on the anniversary of 9/11 for the past three years.

    Orchestrating a private backroom sweetheart deal for her buddy Harpo Power to take over concessions at the always-ailing Cherry Hill Golf Course, thus promoting it as a “turnaround” measure for the loser of a business (that of course it turned out not to be).

    Misrepresenting “current revenues” on the floor of town meeting a couple years back during discussion of the golf course.

    Last minute sandbagging the Select Board (changing her vote so the vote went from 5-0 to 4-1) about opposing Town Meeting changing the Zoning on Meadow Street property to Flood Prone Conservancy in order to stop development. The resulting lawsuit cost the town $125,000 in legal fees and the landowners $500,000.
    And they currently are going to build on it anyway a very large climate controlled storage facility.

    Trying to “take over” the July 4’Th Parade.

    Supporting the current antiquated Town Meeting form of government (mainly because folks like her can easily manipulate it.)

    Although strangely enough we worked together in 1999 on the Smoking Ban in bars issue, the most acrimonious battle I have ever engaged in.

    But NO, I never take things personally (my martial arts training). And YES I not only “sensed” Ms. Awad’s lack of respect for “my position”--but more important--her disrespect to all the voters of my hometown.

  3. Showing disrespect to the American flag on the night of September 10, 2001 (12 hours before the World changed.)

    Please clarify, as this is a serious accusation. I would very much appreciate the details. Thank you.

  4. Serious in what way?
