Saturday, May 3, 2008


So when I wrote that teaser yesterday about a major breaking story coming up later in the afternoon I had no idea it would be purely personal:

After waiting almost three years for the phone to ring heralding good news from China, the call, unexpectedly, came.

On Wednesday I made the mistake of going to The Rumor Queen, a blog for waiting parents and read reports/rumors suggesting our call would not come for another three months.

Then I made the BIG mistake of reading the anguished comments (she had 83 that day) from parents in the same slow boat as me. Heartbreaking. And yeah, I had Town Meeting—the ultimate torture--later that night.

But somehow we managed to make this month’s cutoff; just how I have no idea, and--for once in my life—I’m sure not going to ask questions. We will travel in June before the Olympics rush, stay two weeks, and then return home--thus increasing the population of Amherst by one (from one People's Republic to another).

Oh yeah, the major breaking news event I had in mind did occur but I can’t talk about it just yet. Suffice it to say, it will bring a swift conclusion to Amherst’s embarrassing Parade fiasco
Amherst July 4'th Parade page
UPDATE: 11:30 AM
Somebody just called on his cell as he was driving through Hamp and wondered if the Gay Pride Parade would allow protesters to march with anti-gay sentiment? Hmm...
1'st Amendment Tolerance in NoHo


  1. Congratulations. What a cute baby. May you raise her to be tolerant of people with wide ranges of views, including people who disagree with her.

  2. Thanks Mary, she is so very beautiful indeed. Unfortunately In China, they are abandoned simply because they are girls.

    So yes, Anonymous, I will raise her as I have Kira: to be tolerant of differing opinions and have the utmost respect for those fundamental American rights that men and women die daily to protect.

    Interestingly enough, I attended the Gay Pride Parade (and it was a lot of fun!) this afternoon in our Sister City to the west and I did not see a single anti-war sign or religious fundamentalist signs decrying homosexuality.


  3. She is a beautiful baby girl. She will be so lucky to have your family as hers. :)

  4. Congratulations Larry.

  5. Congatulations, and may the rest of the adoption process be routine and uneventful!

  6. Congratulations — she is beautiful!

  7. Fantastic news, Larry!!! She IS beautiful.

  8. Yeah, after 3 years 3 months and some odd days I can only hope things go (more) smoothly when we reach the People's Republic of China.
