Sunday, April 27, 2008

To sign or not to sign, THAT is the quesiton

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Chief Scherpa will sign our application Monday morning, and then it will be up to the Town Mangler...


  1. If the Town of Amherst refuses to authorize a parade permit for 2009 for the Parade Committee (which is by the way the only entity to organize a 7/4 parade in Amherst in three decades), will you spend the money you raised for the 2008 parade to pay attorney's fees to fight it in court?

    If you do, could you ask the lawyer to take on the Kendrick Park Use Policy too?

  2. Please tell Mr. Joy that if he is indicted for sedition in the Republic of Amherst, I will visit him in jail.

  3. Yeah, well it will not cost us a Hell of a lot of money as our attorney Michael Serduck represents us--as he has done since 2002--pro bono.

    Although it will cost us about $150 to $200 to have last Wednesday’s Select Board meeting transcribed by a professional stenographer. Attorney Serduck says Judges (especially those on the Supreme Court) don’t like these newfangled videotapes or DVD’s and much prefer to read transcripts.

    So we will indeed spend whatever it takes to fight it in court.

    One of these days I will (with his permission of course) explain why Kevin quit the FBI at a relatively young age. All I can tell you now is that as a (relatively new) father I support his decision 200%.

    He appreciates your support; and I'm sure you would have to wait in a very long line to visit if he should go to jail over this.

  4. PS: love your added color to Kevin's cartoon of Boss Hogg.

    I'm trying to get the Amherst Bulletin to publish it this coming Friday, but the editor (although testing for 2'nd degree Black Belt pretty soon) seems not to have any Balls.

  5. If Kevin Joy or you submit it to the Bulletin opinion page, I can't imagine why they'd decide to not publish it. It's opinion, as valid as any written opinion piece or letter to the editor.

  6. To the Bulletin:

    The cartoon in the Feb. 29 Bulletin of our darling planet walled in by barbed wire and missiles is an unpleasant but succinct reminder of our underlying reality.

    Apart from the pathos of the image, it made me consider the degree to which the economic woes of our town, reflected in many of the other articles in that Bulletin, are an inevitable consequence of the treasure that is sucked away from our well-endowed nation by a ballooning Pentagon defense budget. Since 2000, it has increased at an annual rate of well over 5 percent, at least partly because we are still developing weapon systems that were conceived during the Cold War. But new enemies, both real and inflated, always seem to generate new defense budgetary priorities without retiring any of the old ones.


  7. The deadline for letters in the March 14 Bulletin will be 9 a.m. on Monday, March 10. If you have a comment on something you've read in the Bulletin, send an email to, or fax to 549-8181 or by post to Letters, Amherst Bulletin, 100 University Dr., Amherst, MA 01002. Be sure to include your name, address and daytime phone number for verification. Letters should be no more than 400 words, and columns should be no more than 650. Cartoons may also be submitted via mail or email. Emailed cartoons should be a minimum of 200 dpi, or 8.5-inches by 11 inches if mailed. Letters, cartoons and columns on local topics will receive first priority. The Bulletin will publish only one letter and one column from a writer in a 30-day period.
