Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shhhh...You'll awaken Miss Emily!

So about the only thing louder than the chainsaw used to unsnag the house as it tried to squeeze by the Dickinson Homestead was the collective sigh of the Shade Tree Commission.

UPDATE: 1:00 pm The Dinosaur has landed.
Almost there (another 50 yards or so)


  1. Great line Larry:
    The only thing louder than the chainsaw used to unsnag the house as it tried to squeeze by the Dickinson Homestead was the collective sigh of the Shade Tree Commission.

    The Shade Tree Commission has a long and storied history in Amherst and if I'm not mistaken someone in Miss Emily's family was a founding member.

    On another note: Mr Weiss has yet to respond to what he meant when he used the phrase
    "unnecessary deportation"


    It's not clear he believes Federal immigration law is the law of the land. I'm concerned he's going to use his authority as Select Board Chair to try to subvert it in Amherst.

  2. Yeah, you have a point. Mr. Weiss is nothing if not subversive. I still remember biking up town on my normal route five years ago in June (whenever the Hell Flag Day is) and there was comrade Weiss in town center flying an American flag upside down as an anti-war protest.

    Naturally that day the town “forgot” to put up the 29 commemorative flags (one of seven days they are allowed to fly).

    At last night’s Select Board meeting two high-ranking July 4’th Parade Committee members took it upon themselves (and only let me know at 6:05 pm when I’m in the middle of teaching a Spin Class) that they were at the Select Board meeting for the 6:15 Question Period to talk about the Parade.

    Weiss made it clear that there were still “unresolved issues” about the Parade as far as allowing police and fire vehicles and the Town Manager said we were “close” to coming to terms.

    Well I don’t know what he means by that. Our written “rules clarification” to him (and I believed he copied it to the entire Select Board along with our official invite to march) clearly says we are not going to let the Amherst Town Democratic Committee, League of Women Voters or Green Party march with political signage, other than the name of their organization.

    Select Man (or should I say “person”) Brewer tried to run interference by suggesting there is nothing left to discuss, but Weiss would hear none of that.

  3. First off, flag day is June 14 Larry.

    Second, I think that corner is turning into a house parking lot! Thank you for posting the pics for us unable to get out of the house. It's really cool to see.

    Third, I'm waiting to see the response too. The back and forth on inamherst should have a scoreboard. O'Reilly and Morse are ahead.

  4. I know I should know that, but for some reason a day simply to celebrate the flag has never been high on my list.

    The Flag represents something other than itself. Days like Memorial Day, Veterans Day, July 4'th and now, for so very many Americans, 9/11.

    Weiss is on the run over the Immigration issue--but never count out his cluelessness.
