Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bad Boy, Bad Boy...what's he gonna do?

So we know the Town Manager has no respect for the sixty year tradition of local Boy Scouts selling Christmas trees in town center; but will he also destroy the tradition of town participation in the most sacred of American holidays—the 4’th of July?

Since the Gazette heavily hyped the “Town Manager Report” to the Select Board tonight at 9:05 pm with a banner headline this morning reading “Shaffer to speak on parade-sign policy tonight”, it’s a safe bet we will know the answer by around 9:20 pm.

For you play-by-play types here are the options:

He plays the ‘Nuclear Option’ and pulls our permit.
He plays the ‘Shock and Awe Option’ and pulls town vehicles.
He plays the ‘Hippocratic Oath Option’ and does nothing.
He plays the ‘Sword of Damocles Option’ and recommends the Select board form a Committee to take over the July 4’th Parade (merging with the Fireworks that the town now runs), either as early as this year or certainly the next.

Tune in tonight as I will attend the meeting not as a July 4’th Parade Committee member but as a Citizen Blogger.


  1. ...So we know the Town Manager has no respect for the sixty year tradition of local Boy Scouts selling Christmas trees in town center...

    Larry, will you ask at tonight's meeting 1) about the progress of the Kendrick Park Use Policy Committee and 2) whether their charge allows them to consider allocating the corner of Kendrick Park for use by the Boy Scouts for five weeks before Christmas or whether the Use Policy committee is just another Shaffer/Weiss snow job that deceitful politicians use to conceal their intentions and deny the will of the people.

  2. I think it's #2 after the "or whether" part.

    I'm going to be biting my tongue this evening (the Parade Committee already told me they would run me over with a Firetruck if I speak tonight).

    Barry Roberts and Jerry Jolly have a Town Meeting article to amend the Town Government Act so that the SELECTBOARD can "establish criteria for the use of Town property by community organizations".

    Barry Roberts, as you may remember chipped in with other native son Curt Shumway to pay the entire $700-$800 tax implemented by the Grinch Town Manager (as did the town DPW Department)
