Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunshine is the best antiseptic

Ironically Middle School 'Interium Co-principals' (and only in Amherst would you find such a title) used the ‘West Side Story’ excuse to cave in to ACLU pressure and allow the ‘Chestnut Street Journal’ with an unflattering article about the system go to press.

Like the 1999 High School cancellation of one of the greatest musicals of all time the sorry saga had, indeed, taken on a life of its own—and, as usual, not very flattering to the venerable Amherst School system.

Besides, even the clueless administrators figured out the article was already distributed widely on the web by the crusty Gazette and hip cyberzine Local Buzz, both of whom covered extensively the recent ‘Vagina Monologues’ fiasco at the High School.

Of course administrators whine about the ACLU involvement (unfortunately less effective with ‘West Side Story’) because the kids and parents unleashed them without first going thru proper channels, as in faculty advisors or administrators.

But considering the Front Page article dealt with kids feeling the school Powers That Be don’t listen to them, is anyone surprised they brought in the heavy artillery before using peashooters?

Let’s hope the kids start their own blog.

NOT Only in Amherst

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