Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rally for Pot? Yes! Rally for America???

So naturally last night his Lordship Select board Chair Gerry Weiss took great pride announcing he had brow beat the (Only In) Amherst Town Manager--vacationing in the Barbados, so what the Hell does he care--into dropping the idea of charging the Umass Cannabis Reform Coalition for their added impact on public safety to chaperon the Pot Rally next month.

Where was Mr. Weiss when The Grinch of a Town Manager stubbornly refused to relent on charging the Boy Scouts a tax on a sixty-year Christmas tree sales tradition?

So now it will be interesting to see if Mr. Weiss champions the July 4’th Parade Committee when we ask for a fee waiver of extra police. After all, town officials seem to think the Parade is a “political statement.”


  1. Didn't Weiss own up to discriminating against the Boy Scouts because of their national policy about gay boys? When I read that quote, about making the troop leaders denounce the national organization, I, perhaps unfairly, concluded that Weiss had given Shaffer all the encouragement he needed to evict the Boy Scout tree sales.

  2. Town rethinks police fee for pro-marijuana

    Boston Globe

    AMHERST, Mass.—Town officials in Amherst may drop a policy that would have forced a pro-marijuana group to help pay for police protection at its annual springtime festival.


  3. Yeah, the response (or lack thereof) from our illustrious Select board over the Boy Scout Christmas tree tax debacle is directly related to His Lordship Mr. Weiss's personal PC philosophy disagreeing with the National organization's stand on gay Scoutmasters.

    And the other newsworthy item from last night's SB meeting (covered by the Gazette but not the Republican) was Mr. Weiss wanting Amherst to become a SAFE HAVEN, thus the town would not cooperate with the Feds on anything pertaining to illegal immigration.

    So if this bylaw was in effect seven years ago and an Amherst police officer had stopped Mohammed Atta heading for Logan Airport on the early morning of 9/11, they would be required to simply let him go with a cordial “have a nice flight.”

  4. OK, there's something I don't understand here. Mr. Weiss spoke of the 17 year old girl here illegally after her mom was deported. Why wasn't she deported also? No, I'm not saying that she should be. I'm just curious since she has been in the paper, etc. Is there a law protecting her as a juvinile? What happens when she turns 18? Just wondering, really.

  5. Yeah, I was kind of wondering that myself.

    Would be kind of ironic if some Homeland Security person reads the Gazette and because of Mr. Weiss's public stunt she too ends up getting deported.

  6. Larry, while I can't agree with you about the marijuana part, I had to laugh out loud in full agreement with you about the absurdity of the town's policies concerning the Fourth. Since you mentioned NAMBLA, you and your readers might want to check in on something regarding a (get this) predators' rights group in FL that's awfully red-faced today due to one of its own leaders. Consider this also in light of our esteemed Guv's proposed transgender protection legislation.
    It's in my blog http://stevensslate.blogspot.com/
    No doubt my interpretations on "transgenderism" will engender a lot of heat, but that's what a free society's all about. Hear that libs? Especially Amherst libs?

    Glad I'm getting this in before Patrick's ideas become laws or I'll be wearing new bracelets. How nice. I'll only want Tiffany's.
