Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

And in Massachusetts state workers in Suffolk County are pretty happy, as they get the day off. Although technically I think it's called 'Evacuation Day' to commemorate the Brits turning tail and leaving Boston under pressure from cannons above (damn sneaky American).

Although at the airport coming down here on Friday I did see a commercial from Guinness asking folks to sign an Internet petition to make St. Patrick's Day a national holiday (kind of funny that a Brit company wants to establish an American holiday--but they would probably prefer we celebrate St. Patrick rather than a British defeat)

Yeah, I know today marks the One Year Anniversary of my blog. And yeah I should have something thoughtful to say. But I'm still in Florida, the sun is shining (74 degrees at 8:30 am)we need to get in our second day at Busch Gardens, get to the airport by 5:00 pm so Kira and I can fly home and Donna can fly to China.

And yeah, I'm watching as closely as I can the events in Tibet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for reporting a year's worth of struggles against your local powers that be. It's been informative, enlightening, and not least, entertaining. Keep going!

  3. Happy Birthday, Larry. 326 posts in your first year is pretty impressive.

    - Jonathan O'Keeffe

  4. Thanks guys (you too Mary). It's been nothing if not interesting.

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