Friday, February 29, 2008


Hell, I think the comments are more interesting than Friday's Gazette story on the July 4 Parade disaster in the making. Look for the Springfield Republican to follow up the next day or two. Naturally the Town Manager got out of Dodge (hiding in the Barbados) for the next two weeks so the Springfield Republican probably will not be able to quote him. But I do have his cell phone number. Hmmm....

Cave Man's Girl [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 12:34 PM]
It is amazing what they will drag out to make their point. Like, yeah, OK, good thing we set up rules that will exclude the major KKK presence we have here in Amherst. Good Lord, get real.

Larry Kelley [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 02:47 PM]
There is also not a very high presence of KKK in South Boston Ms. Cave Man's Girl (I hope you're keeping Mr. Cave Man happy) but that did not stop them from requesting to march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in the early 90's That was, of course DENIED, as was the Irish gay group that wanted to march (and I believe an abortion group either pro or anti I can't remember which). And the Supreme Court (you know who they are) ruled 9-0 that the Parade committee could do so because of THEIR First Amendment rights. And as for NAMBLA, you have to wonder if maybe FORMER Amherst Regional High School (you know, your alma mater) English teacher Ronald T. Garney was a member or not.

John [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 08:05 AM]
I can see the headlines now. Amherst Town Manager refuses to allow Firefighters and Police Officers to be honored on July 4th. Meanwhile towns people vote to reduce public safety in order to fund private agencies. This is how it will read outside of Amherst and the town which already is thought of as out of touch with reality will be made to look even more foolish. As for Larry Shaffer, it will just be another headline that he so craves.

Nancy Slator [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 08:22 AM]
How does it celebrate freedom to hold a parade that only allows people of one political view to particiapate?

Larry Kelley [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 09:06 AM]
That's precisely the point Nancy: the Parade doesn't have a "political view." Obviously you do.

Matthias [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 07:05 PM]
The people of Amherst clearly have way too much free time on their hands. Why can't they have a simple 4th of July parade without turning it into a circus. Fourth celebrations are intended to honor our country and the great men and women who serve. Can't protests take place the other 364 days of the year. Or are the anti-war crowd such incorrigible attention mongers.

BC [ Posted on: Friday - February 29, 2008 at 03:46 PM]
If they want "Everyone" then it'd be nice for Westboro Baptist to show up wouldn't it. That'd be exactly the type of participation the town wants, right? What they really mean is they want all the PC protesters to hijack the parade, and nothing else.


  1. Yeah, I saw that. The least the idiot could do is spell my name correctly.

  2. Of course now I just noticed the IDIOT has corrected the spelling of my name. Masslive should work on weeding out idiots like that. Some folks may not remember, but back six years ago Gazettenet actually had a better more active forum and then just dropped it. Maybe now when Gazettenet comes out of beta with their new baby they can think about reviving a forum (but figure out a way to keep anonymous folks from stealing other individuals names)

  3. I applaud your efforts to keep the Amherst July 4th Family Parade from becoming a forum for any jackass with a cause to put on a frickin clown suit and carry his "Nuke the Whales" poster.

    It is the Shaffer's job as Amherst Town Manager to issue permits for parades. It is not his job to decide whether the police and/or fire department can or will participate nor his job to decide who else can participate. His discretion is whether to issue the permit. Period. Having done so, he’s made his choice.

    The Select Board is elected to make policy based on political considerations such as whether the Parade Committee's mission statement is reasonable and whether their policy is defensible.

    Having a non-political parade on July 4th is COMPLETELY defensible. In fact, it's admirable.

    Shaffer continues to think he can expand his legal authority spelled out in the town bylaws and enact policy based on his personal judgments about ethical consideration. Instead he demonstrates his own prejudice, such as against the boy scouts, and against an apolitical Independence Day Parade.

    Shaffer is not the policy maker; he is a “manager”.

    Amherst spells out July parade rules Town manager wants the event to be all-inclusive
    Published on February 29, 2008
    AMHERST - Excluding anyone who wants to participate in this year's Fourth of July parade, such as those who wish to hold up signs opposing the war in Iraq or criticizing the Bush administration, could cause the event to go on without featuring Amherst police cruisers and fire trucks.

    Town Manager Larry Shaffer said Wednesday that, though a permit has already been issued to the organizers, a private group, he holds the right to restrict participation of town vehicles and uniformed personnel if other people are denied a place in the parade.

  4. What HE said! ->

    The people of Amherst clearly have way too much free time on their hands. Why can't they have a simple 4th of July parade without turning it into a circus. Fourth celebrations are intended to honor our country and the great men and women who serve. Can't protests take place the other 364 days of the year. Or are the anti-war crowd such incorrigible attention mongers.

    Matthias Friday, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:05 PM

  5. What SHE said ->

    They have done a GREAT job putting on a family friendly parade, without the use of town funding. Why is there only one little line hidden in the article saying they won't allow PRO war comments either? They haven't banned anyone, just asked them to behave for one frickin day!

    Mary Saturday, Mar 01, 2008 at 09:21 AM

  6. And what she said:

    The U.S. Supreme Court, in unanimously overruling the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in the case of the Boston parade, termed the issue one of freedom of association--not of freedom of speech or of "access to public accommodation."

    Mr. Schaffer and others claim that they want everyone to be included in a privately organized parade but let's see what happens if individuals and groups not to their liking want to participate.

    Margaret Dubya Saturday, Mar 01, 2008 at 01:40 PM
