Saturday, February 9, 2008

And the winners are...

So for those of you eagerly wondering who won the great downhill “Cardboard Box Race” out at my favorite White Elephant, Black Hole, Money Pit—the municipally owned Cherry Hill Gold Course (oops, I mean Golf) on Saturday, check out the video.

The Kelley clan--Kira and Larry--smoked the competition (and an innocent young bystander too close to the Finish Line), including peacenik Select Board Chair, His Lordship Gerry Weiss and Town Manager Larry Shaffer’s stand in (or I should say sit in).

Weiss's peacemobile encountered a lot of drag. And why do I just know that if this event took place on December 8'th, 1941 we would have seen the same Spin.

Since it all happened so fast I had not realized until this morning (Monday) from the photo Cinda Jones just emailed that we were in last place coming out of the shute. But it ain't over until the Fat Lady sings. And about 10 seconds later they were eating our snow.


  1. Ha! that was a fantastic video...

  2. Thanks Tony. I was a tad worried we would "shove off" after dusk and as you know digital cameras don't take great video in low light conditions. The snow as background (partially provided by the DPW Department) helped a lot.

  3. The best part was when you knocked the little kid on his arse - I know, you didn't mean to - but only becuase he wasn't hurt. I don;t that that was the kids mom, she was enjoying it too much.

  4. I don;t that that = i don't think that

  5. Yeah, as my wife laughingly remarked: “Collateral damage.”

  6. Oh that looked like fun!

    Do you know where the money they raised is going?

  7. Hey Mary,
    Yeah, it was (but I have never been filled with so much regret prior to shoving off about saying Yes to anything in my entire life.)

    I think the money will be split between the town and the Chamber (so maybe next year they can afford to light up the town center for Christmas).

    And of course Amherst will try to pass off the money as "Cherry Hill Golf revenues".

  8. Larry and Kira YOU GUYS WERE AWESOME!!! Thank you for playing with us and congratulations on your BIG WIN!!

  9. This is a fantastic post, Larry. You really do capture the fun of the event. Yay, Kira.

  10. Thanks Mary. Kira was soooo wired for the rest of the day and couldn’t stop talking about it. Although she was disappointed there was no “prize” for winning. I tried to tell her about the intangibles, but she’s still a tad young.

    PS: Kira liked your Gazette article on her Pioneer Valley Chinese Charter Immersion School.

    Slight bit of irony in that Paul Wiley her former Principal at Crocker Farm was our push off guy at the race. And of course the other person we almost took out at the bottom was Barbara Bilz Cherry Hill Golf head honcho.
