Monday, February 25, 2008

Amherst 7/4 Parade Fireworks

What would the Amherst July 4’th Parade be like without Amherst police, fire or ambulance apparatus in the line of march? An embarrassment!

There they go again! The Amherst Town Democratic Committee “corralled” like-minded activist groups to meet with Amherst Town Manager Larry Shaffer to discuss pulling town equipment from the Parade because we will not open it up to anyone and anything looking for exposure on that day. And yes, we pay for our Police detail to direct traffic (unlike the Pot Rally folks)
Old Business:

Private Amherst 4th of July Parade: Being fond of our 1st Amendment rights, ADTC has refrained for 2 years from participating.

On 2 days' notice, Town Mgr. Larry Schaffer carved out time for an open meeting on Friday, 21 Feb., with ADTC Chair Harry Brooks; the Chairs of the Green & Republican Town Committees; League of Women Voters; & SAGE, to consider concerns that many of us share.

More on this patriotic/matriotic effort later.

Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 12:24 PM
To: Shaffer, Larry
Subject: 7/4 Parade

If Amherst is going to pull police and fire apparatus from the Parade this year we would appreciate a heads up as early as possible. And we would also have appreciated an invite to the "open meeting" last Friday morning that you carved out time for on only two days notice.
Larry Kelley
July 4'th Parade Committee

From: Shaffer, Larry
Sent: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 1:31 pm
Subject: RE: 7/4 Parade

We should talk. Have you rejected any applications for perspective participants in the 4th of July parade for 2008?

Sent: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 1:58 pm
Subject: Re: 7/4 Parade

No, we have not. And in fact, we have never officially rejected anybody since reconstituting the Parade in 2002.


  1. What was decided in the metting in the town manager's office and why, if the meeting releted to the Independence Day Parade, was your group not notified?

    Why is it that when Larry Shaffer is involved, the situation turns frequently into a complete clusterfuck?

  2. We don't know what was decided, but I have a bad feeling...

    Yeah, here these folks are whining that we don't allow the free exchange of ideas in the Parade but they attempt to sabotage it at this closed door meeting and we're not even invited to defend our position.

    After his monumental PR blunder with the Boy Scout Christmas tree tax, I would hope the Town Manager treads very carefully.

  3. Wow.
    I hope he doesn't blow it again. Do we have a three strikes you're out rule?
    I can see it now, fire trucks from every surrounding town flashing lights and sirens blaring. And right behind them our men and women WALKING!
    Keep us posted!!!

  4. Hey Mary,
    Yeah, if we did have a three-strike rule he would ALREADY be gone:
    (1) Rejecting Niblik's $30,000 offer per year to run the always ailing Cherry Hill Country Club...err, I mean Golf Course.
    (2) Not standing up for flying the American flags on 9/11.
    (3) Being the biggest Grinch, since, well 'The Grinch that Stole Christmas' by taking money out of the pockets of Boy Scouts selling trees.

  5. How much does it cost the Town to have police officers and fire fighters march in the parade? Are they all on duty? Are they required to march? What is the cost of having the vehicles in the parade?

  6. Not nearly as much as the cost the town for police presence at Winterfest a few weeks back; or at the 7/4 fireworks put on my Leisure Services, or the Memorial Day Parade.

    Nobody is paid to or required to march. The route is only a couple of miles so the gas expended and wear and tear on the vehicles is negligible.

  7. And while we're on the subject, you might like this new video of our firefighters. I LOVE the music!

  8. Leaving Big Y today I noticed a lovely poster for the July 4 Parade's chicken & spaghetti fundraising dinner at the Amherst VFW this coming Saturday night, March 1. Really? Haven't seen anything about it anywhere else, including the you have a flyer you could post/send along? Thanks!

  9. Hey Mary,
    AFD needs to have a blog.
    Point well taken Alisa:
    Spaghetti and Chicken Dinner (and Karaoke) at the VFW 457 Main St. This Saturday night serving from 6:00 to 7:30 pm with entertainment from 7:30 to 11:00 pm. Tickets available at the door. $10 for adult $5 children
    under 5 free
