Monday, November 19, 2007

Turn About Fair Play

Since Mr. Kusner elicits laughs from so many people, I’m only too happy to hear that this blog amuses him. And I think it’s great he can use the bully pulpit provided by his honorable Select board position to address items found only here.

Stephanie O’Keeffe reports on Inamherst's Recap of the 11/15 Select Board meeting that Rob Kusner explained he recused himself from the liquor license change for Umass Faculty Club last week because he’s good friends with the manager and he and his department (Math would definitely drive me to drink) have accounts at the club. Furthermore, he’s descended from Vulcans, not Klingons as I suggested.

Yeah with all his brainy expositions over the years, I should have figured that. Hopefully he will give advance warning before that once every seven years "Pon Farr" blood fever thing.

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