Sunday, November 4, 2007

Those who live in glass houses...

So we bust a former Select board member for having an unkempt home but a current Select board member can store scrap metal in his driveway for years on end.


  1. Call inspectional services and ask them to check on his permit and zoning for an auto junkyard in a residential zone.

    i'm just kidding. I abhor when people use governmental power to pursue personal conflicts. That is why I think the town's taking Keenan's $72K of back taxes and then obtaining a warrant to inspect for violations is so egregious. Any word on whether he has an attorney so that he is represented in the proceedings? The article in the Sprinfield paperstated Keenan "cut-out" the joices. Did he? If he did, then the situation is of his own making. If he did not, then he is being victimized by government authority.

  2. O'Reilly, Keenan usually represents himself in court. He says he removed the trusses because they had rotted.
