Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mission (mostly) Accomplished

So by noon it was done. The house and garage sat like beached whales on the slope of the hill to their new home. Tomorrow they will slog their way up the hill and the old house will be set on its new foundation.

Turning the corner in town center was the fun part. They sat there for a bit, probably for dramatic effect, then chugged down Main Street. The truck is military surplus having served in the 1'st Gulf War pulling tanks out of sand dunes. Fortunately nobody told Amherst Town Meeting that before the move.

The Dickinson Homestead was the only structure to lose power and telephones, sending it temporarily back in time to when Miss Emily whiled away the hours in her upstairs room.

Selectman Kusner risks life and limb to get the shot.

A combined effort of Police, DPW, power and phone companies came together to make it happen (Yes, the developer covered those costs)

Developer Barry Roberts is also a proud grandfather.


  1. Wow! Thanks for posting those pictures. I was wondering how it went.
    It's kind of sad to see that huge lawn dissapear. Many good ball games were played at the boys and girls club there.

  2. Hey Mary. Fear not, the crusty old Gazette will have a bunch of shots tomorrow. And with Gordon Daniels behind the camera they will be a lot better than mine.

    The huge lawn sloping down to Main Street I believe will remain open. Barry had planned to construct another building (with four condo’s) between the two old girls at the top of the hill, but I heard today that plan is off and he has simply sold everything to one buyer. Probably a very well off buyer.

  3. A combined effort of Police, DPW, power and phone companies came together to make it happen (Yes, the developer covered those costs)

    Ahh, Larry answers some of my questions.

  4. Great shots, Larry. What a fun day it was, wasn't it?

  5. Sure was. But I have now decided NEVER to move my historic house.
