Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A New Sheriff in the Blogosphere.

The Amherst Police Department, probably realizing the police report in the Amherst Bulletin is a must read, now have their own blog:


So if Umass students should get a tad exuberant over the upcoming World Series, perhaps we will see almost instant video on the site.

A few years back Amherst PD was savvy enough to replay video of a rambunctious Hobart Hoedown for Town Meeting members the week the Public Safety budget came up.

And a cruiser that sustained $10,000 in battle damage was prominently parked in front of the downtown station for about a week.

Perhaps if they had their interactive blog up and running six months ago Town Meeting would not have cut $180,000 from their budget thus sacrificing two officers. Northampton just added five and Umass added two.

Only in Amherst do we cut police while everybody else adds.

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