Okay so I’m still having a hard time getting exact numbers on how much effluent the new Power plant will consume when it goes online this coming March, but the UMass PR folks republished a couple of puff pieces that use the figure 200,000 gallons per day.
Last year Umass paid us $37,800 to feed the old steam plant at a super discount rate of $1 per 1,500 gallons (when it would have been $6 for normal potable water) or 155,342 gallons per day. So based on a consumption rate of 200,000 gallons per day it would come to $48, 666 or a 13% increase.
Just for the new, admittedly quite cool, Powerplant.
However Umass also has four new buildings coming on line in the near future that use effluent to run “chillers” (air conditioning) and their consumption is projected to about equal that of the new Powerplant.
And since the beancounters in the White Castle (Whitmore) are now keeping track of water consumption by the Athletic Department they are more motivated to start watering their playing fields with effluent.
Hence in the near future (certainly well within the five year period of the “strategic agreement”) Umass use of effluent will double. And hey why not, it’s now FREE!
Video below is Professor Kusner selling the deal.
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