Thursday, August 16, 2007

Amherst Bulletin: Scooped again

Only in Amherst can I scoop the local newspaper on the Internet using their very own paper. But hey, at least this time (unlike the Gazette a few days back) they put the article about the violation of the Open Meeting Law by our repeat offender Select Board above the fold.
UPDATE: (1:10 pm). Okay, it's been a little over two hours since I posted this week's Amherst Bulletin and they still are not up on the web. Chop-chop!
UPDATE (4:20 pm). Well, it's about time! Gotta check out this article that appears on page three: It's all the fault of an unnamed zealous individual (wonder who it could be?)


  1. Larry --

    I've been following this story, and I have to agree with Tommy's comment in an earlier post. The fact that we can participate so directly in government -- and hold the powers-that-be accountable, when we need to -- is a great gift. It's always a pleasure to see someone take advantage of that gift instead of taking it for granted.

    Keep up the good work.


    Greg Saulmon/Local Buzz

  2. Hey Greg,

    Thanks I appreciate that. As I pointed out in your Local Buzz profile a few months back, it can get a tad lonely out here Tilting at Windmills.

    Now that this week’s Amherst Bulletin has, finally, uploaded check out this other article on our esteemed Select Board’s propensity to circumvent the Open Meeting Law. The old “blame the messenger” routine:

    The problem in some Select Board members' point of view, as Chairman Gerry Weiss pointed out recently, is that certain parties in Amherst who shall remain nameless are just waiting for an opportunity to complain to the district attorney about possible violations of the law.

  3. Hey, Lar, did one of your pets go Mother Nature on the Bulletin, or was that the last copy u could get your hands on? From my vantage point, the left corner looks damp.

  4. Yeah, I spilled coffee on it and rather than run to R+P Package to get another (thus wasting 5 minutes)I went with it. I'm on Internet time you know (not Bill Clinton time)
