Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Great Lawn Sign Caper: The Buzz Continues...

What my friend Mr. Morse--a public prosecutor in Springfield, obviously experienced with BONEHEAD criminals, as well as the scary ones--should have said is that he pulled a “Hood’ey” as in Rick Hood, leader of the pro-Override committee sending out an email last week to a public listserve rather than his War Room that outlined their entire strategy for the campaign, including how to “manage the media”.

Of course, upon rereading that dispatch it sounds like they did not order lawn signs. Perhaps one of their followers, realizing this, thought he was doing them a favor by stealing ours.

As I said: bonehead criminals!

From: richmorse@____________________
Subject: Leaving Your ID

I just pulled "a Hubley" and sent an E-mail to the override folks that was intended to be sent to you. I was up late last night and obviously my brain is fried.

Rich Morse

From: richmorse@____________________
Subject: Leaving Your ID

Richard B. Morse wrote:

You'd be surprised how many times some form of ID (wallet, cell phone) is left at crime scenes.

The stupid ones keep us so busy that it's hard to get to the smart ones.

Good luck, Rich Morse

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 7:44 AM
From: richmorse@____________________
Subject: Leaving Your ID

Excuse me, that E-mail was intended to be sent to my friend Larry Kelley. Like Stephanie, I try to ignore his demagoguery and talk about the other stuff, in this case, the theft of those signs.


  1. > Perhaps one of their followers, realizing this, thought he was doing them a favor by stealing ours.

    Nice. How better to ratchet up the level of civil discourse than by slinging a little mud at the opposition? We're just as eager to find out who this is as you are, Larry. If it's anyone involved with the pro-override group, you can be sure that they will be declared persona non grata within that organization.

    - Jonathan

  2. Well, gee Jonathan don't ya think just maybe the person or persons that did the dumb deed SUPPORTS your side of issue? That is all I was suggesting.

    But then, (now that I think about it) since your side did not have lawn signs out, maybe the person (s) WOULD have been an equal opportunity repressor and stolen them as well.

    As my friend Mr. O'Reilly would say "I could be wrong."
